Your thoughts matter
This year has been a revelation for me, as I have explained in my last posts.
And it might sound like I’m repeating myself but the simple idea that comes with it is: the power of listening to our thoughts.
You see, I had to stop doing what I was doing (again, this week is the second time) to come here and let you know the thoughts flying around in my head before they disappeared. Like assisting to a lecture in which you are suddenly afraid of missing out some kind of wisdom: it might either come soon or be happening at while you are focused on something else.
It is not a fairytale
These ideas I said in my last post might sound easier to say than to do, even draconian to you, I get it. I even think the same way when I say them now while years back it wasn’t like that. I was struggling in a black hole sobbing in tears and not knowing what to do. Back then, I did believe I was making the same mistakes over nd over again. And for that reason I was being hard on myself, just like other people would have been to me in the past.
How did these ideas come? I changed the radio frequency. – “What?”- Ok, I was being poetic. Basically I started listening to kinder words that my mind could echo. I slowly learned how to be patient and kind to myself.
Control your Self-talk: be kind to yourself
The self-talk can do so much. If you make a mistake and you call yourself horrid words, you end up believing that this is what you are. And you don’t leave any room for guidance as you are already full of poison.
But! When you start being kind to yourself and saying for example: 1) that those mistakes are part of the path, and 2) that self-pity is dreadful and you are a loving thing learning its way in their own pace, you start opening new doors. You actually begin to accept yourself for the good things you are, internally first and externally later.
Then, the magic comes, because you are in the channel of love and positive thoughts. If you let yourself be heard, be playful, you will genuinely enjoy your own company.
Get to know you to become more interesting to your eyes
Of course, once you look at your values you will stop desiring what others have or are. This will feel not as important as your own self-discovery. You will have plenty of time to understand yourself, to get to know you, to fall in love with you, and to not to take you for granted. It is a miracle to be able to wake up every morning and be you!
The power of Silence
Then, the silence. What is the silence once you are not afraid of sitting with you? (Ok, let’s consider a relaxing tone in the background something halfway to silence but not a distraction). Your thoughts will start to be heard louder and louder. Your ideas will come to you and it’ll be in you to either take them or ignore them. Silence for me is an open door to relaxation and phrases that start forming in my mind, so that I can share them with you. And for that you need a slow living, slow pace, like the one we are being «forced» to experience nowadays.
You can choose to complain every day about the awful situation that does not let you keep on with your monotony of work and fast living. Or you can surrender to a slow living that it’ll bring you more joy and wisdom than bad moments. Of course, not everyday is the same, it’s not always easy, but a slow and relaxing routine can help. Also, treat yourself! Play and do whatever you want, instead of whatever you must do. Give yourself some time to enjoy that you are alive and that you are creative deep inside. Because, guess what, we all are! It is described by some as our “inner child”or “inner artist”. And that lovely entity is there to help you.
Another new habit I have incorporated into my routine is to journal, to write every morning once I get up three pages of hand-written thoughts that my mind needs to release. It might sound stupid, it might sound a waste of time. Well, it is not for me because I am letting my inner thoughts to let go of the dirt in the background: the hate and the gratefulness, the joy and the regret. And by doing this I am cleaning myself of non useful thoughts that are mere distractions. So that I can go easier with me on my day. Sometimes they’ll get me grim, of course, because it’ll make me think of that problem, like when you remove dirt that was under a rag. But then I will focus on another tool to fill my day with positive thinking: to go back to myself and my creations, in any way (cooking, reading, writing, painting, sketching, even singing!). But the wound is cured anyway.
Be constant
Nobody said it was easy or quickly done. Our mind needs constant care, like our body. We need to be mindful of what we need in order to feel better and grateful to be here, alive. And I can prove that this works even on your closest circle. Because once you see the change in yourself, you just spread it out, it is contagious!
Patience with yourself will get you further than you think
So in conclusion, be patient with yourself, look inwards to what you have, instead of aiming to what others have (it might also be an illusion or that you are idealizing that person’s gifts). Get inspired by others’ good qualities and habits in order to start this beautiful path that is your best life. And be gentle with the process. Slow living requires a slow path but that way can be more fulfilling for our souls than what we have been taught to be. And the best of all, it might need less investment on treatments for stress and depression. At least I hope!
I really wish these small pieces of advice from my own experience can enlighten your path.
Much love, magic and joy everyone!