martes, 28 de julio de 2020

Self portraits 2018

Looking back I would say that 2018 was my most prolific year so far. I found so many topics and reasons to be inspired in order to "escape" of a job it did not bring me much of my passion.

What is beautiful of these two self-portraits is that they were "rescued" from discarded ideas for the Inktober 2017, as at the moment I thought they were too personal.

But in time, I ended up caring less for what people would think and I wanted to show a bit of myself through this personal pieces, which have become ones of my favourites.

I hope you like them!


Squared Mind

I must add this piece as well even it shows my back. What it's interesting of this one is that it was part of an on-line challenge to connect people around the globe through Art. The only rule to follow? No Music.

Well, this made the experience tough because I work and life always surrounded by music. It drives me throught whatever I do, it keeps me company. So you can imagine how badly I took this requirement.

What I did? I could not stop thinking about the experience that music makes me feel, I'd have in my mind the moment that music made me feel the most connected and overwhelmed. So I told a story of a night at work listening to a singer have a very intimate concert to people in town. I got so lucky to be part of that... I had to take that memory in this piece A3 size:

Feel the Music

Until the next post!

© María M. Mayorga

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