This week I asked on my social media Instagram about which animal was the one my followers vibed with the most.
The experiment started by me saying that I used this tool as an introverted person to talk about my feelings seen in the body language of an animal that I like. I could say that it represents me in some way, or the way I choose to keep it as my favourite. This animal is the zebra and I love it further that I can remember. Probably it started when I went to a safary in El Castillo de las Guardas, in this region called Nerva, in the city of Huelva (Spain).
Afraid of showing vulnerability
We all hide parts of ourselves that might make us feel too vulnerable in front of others. Of course I would not like to show my weakness that easily. I don’t know who is going to use it to harm me.
But for me, this practice has gone a long way: I don’t even communicate the bad things to fix or even the good ones. I was raised in a family where all was ok and the problemas were «swept under the rag».
Engage in conversation to solve problems
This practice can unravel the family atmosphere by bringing conflict when you least expect it. Because the funny part of it is that we got used to imply things slightly and by that we expect to be understood by others. I.E. I could be saying something to you in an ironic tone that might sound as a joke but it is true, used in a way to subtract importance to it. Believe me, this does not work. The person in front of me might have taken that joke as it is: a joke. So I wouldn’t have any reason to believe that I should have been understood at all by me not engaging in a proper conversation.
I am still learning, guys. It would be hard for me to get all I feel out. I would need days to list all I wanted to express and once the conversation ended I might feel that I wasn’t clear enough. I could feel I lost the argument or that I had to admit another person’s behaviour and letting the matter go away as not important.
The use of spirit animals as healers
So as a way to cope with my inner feelings would be to use a symbol through this animal to show my real concern. To cleanse my soul.
In time I would end up discovering that by choosing that animal I was getting all sorts of advice and help in my behaviour.
These spirit animals we might see in our dreams or the reality are omens that try to tell us something. Their way of being in Nature has a link to ours too. So by knowing that I asked around for which animal represented my followers qualities the best way. I was so surprised by the results: by me sharing certain qualities I vibed with they got what they needed to hear the most to keep going. In a way I was doing a tarot reading for them using their animal.
Different animals will focus on different aspects of your life
You could have more than one, like in my case. Peacock lifts my spirits up now at moments I need to believe in my true colours, even if they are out of the usual. I am beautiful, I make my world even more beautiful by being here and I should be proud of that!

And you? Which animal does help you cope or cheer you up?
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