martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

My experience with The Artist Way and how it helped me to become the true artist I want to be

I look back at those months of quarantine and I become grateful to see how this book helped me to heal myself in the best moment I could "spare" to do so.

It didn't just add a beautiful way to connect to myself and my desires through journaling every morning. But it also made me realiaze of how important the connection with my inner child and how I can reveal this power by giving quality time to myself in which I decide to do what I want, instead of what I should be doing.

But let's get into details a bit deeper by explaining the main tools given in this book:

1. Morning Pages

This practice reveals dreams and desires of your inner self. Or it could open a way to connect with your thoughts. Sometimes it could be just a messy writing while you're dedicating this time to look into your worries or deep thoughts.
Other times it can just help you plan your day or your projects.

For me it has become a useful way to start my morning by grounding into my brain and using this notebook as a chaotic way to organize myself. Otherwise is a tool to get creative in a time in which you wouldn't expect it to be. 

I can't describe it better than opening a window to your subconcious and the universe. Let's call it a prayer and a gratefull tool mixed with a memo and agenda all together. 

Free to use it as you will, the important matter here is to let it flow freely. To slowly learn to loose control of what you put in the paper.

3 pages of longhand writen pages should be the original way to do this practice. Leave the key writing for other matters.

Does it make sense? Try and let me know how it goes.

2. Artist Dates

This practice could be more difficult to accomplish or to even give time but if you get to do so, you will gain more than you think.

The principle is to play and treat your inner child that is rarely given any credit.

I normally try to give myself one day a week. This practice gives you a date with yourself to give you love and those hobbyes that you always wanted to do. 

It could be a self-care day (bath, massage, listening to your favourite music while you read your favourite fantasy book), or it could be giving yourself that extravagant dress you always wanted but neved had the means to wear due to fear of "what they will say".

This practice is made to do those things that "adults" shouldn't make, to care less about what you are supposed to do and give you that pleasure of playing and experimenting. 

For example, you could go extreme and go to play in a children park, but you could also just get into a theathre or movie that you are a bit ashamed to share. This is about you and following those desires that you likes when you were a child and that it enlighten your soul.

If it difficult at first, you could try to Meditate on your inner child and try to remember that part of you. Ask that part was missing in your life and please, follow the advice. Let it speak and give it what it wants. Otherwise you will never know were it can bring you.

3. Blurts or how to change your self-talk

The difficult part for me was to care for this part in which I'd write positive affirmations just to get an inner response from my "critic". We all have one, that voice that tell us that something is difficult or impossible to achieve and it talk us out of the trying. 

The critic make us feel like we don't belong to certain places or we aren't good enough to try learn that new skill, as we will never be as good as those people.

That voices help us be safe by not taking any risks but it also make us smaller by not trying new paths. Those horizons that seem far can be reached if we choose to talk ourselves back into the childish way of traying everything as it was the first time, as if we didn't know of failure.

So we write our dreams and best intentions about ourselves, and when those blurts coming from the critic repond inside of you, you need to reformulate the sentence to make it hopeful.

Example:  I am a prolific and very talented artist (affirmation)
                 But I don't sell a thing so how can I show how good I am if I don't share it? (blurt)
                 I am a creative artist who is constantly healing into sharing the best version of herself to the world. It might not be grand but it will heal my sense of self-worth at the minimun. (re-affirmation)

4. Affirmations of an Artist Way

From the time you get this bok into your hands, you get given a list of 20 affirmations to repeat and choose from. You will be asked to repeat the ones that go better with yourself and liking.

Example of my favourites I like to repeat to myself. (The more you repeat them, the deeper they'll be kept into your conciousness)
- My creativity leads me to Forgiveness and Self-Forgiveness.
- My creativity always leads to Truth and Love.
- I am willing to use my creative talent.

5. Tasks

Every week you get given a list of quick tasks that will help you heal past traumas and difficult relationships.
For example, you will be asked what your relationship with Money or God is. After clearing your trauma by bringing up your memory, you will be given options to see it in a more useful way for your new path in life and business.

But in order to know more about these specific tasks and how they can help you unfold your better self, you will need to take a look and try the book "The Artist Way", by Julia Cameron. You won't be dissapointed. The little you do it will be worthier than not even trying.


What I won with these practices: a healing connection to myself and a better sense of listening to my instincs and intuition. I even got led a few times when I trusted what my inner child wanted to make that day.

You open a door to spirit, in a way, you trust them with you love at the same time that you integrate all those parts of yourself. It can be hard to open yourself to that many difficult parts of your life but I can assure you that you end up the journey as a "lighter" person, more loving and more focus on your inner needs to grow and fulfill your purpose.

© María M. Mayorga

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