martes, 28 de julio de 2020

5 ways to work on Creativity during Quarantine

My first idea to calm myself through isolation was "Creativity will save us," and I am grateful to say that it keeps opening new doors for me. It inspired me to find alternative remedies to anxiety, so I made this group of resources that are helping me through this period. I hope they can inspire you as well, during this moment, and whenever you need them.

I will guide you through all these steps from my experience, but I am sure you can add your own point of view to these to resonate with your personality. So, sit back, relax, and stay with me.

1.Linked Minds

My roommate had an illustration vision in his mind. Once explained, I could picture it in my head, visualize it, and set the pen to work. 

Even though inspiration came from one person's idea, we saw it uniquely, and our expression turned out totally different as you can see:

An annoying roommate is not required, though. (Ok, not annoying, so let's settle on inspiring.) Perhaps an exciting game could bring you inspiration if you lack any ideas. Words Generator.

Several websites can give you random words that you can choose to create as a group. What I did in the past with friends was to choose three words and join them in a sketch, timing us to work on it for 15min.


2. Draw your Dreams or Visions

During this time, I got myself into Meditation, and several times I'd have some strange visions when I closed my eyes. But instead of forgetting them, like a dream, I decided to draw them - even if they looked weird. Because I knew I could get something new and special out of that.

The trick for this experiment (with all of them really) is to keep an open mind. This can expand your creativity, the same way that Meditation is expanding my mind. I consider it a useful tool for creativity and relaxation if you are experiencing any period of stress and despair.

Well, at this point, we all are, aren't we? Let's give it a try, then!

 3. Life Drawing

We are very fortunate in Ireland to leave our houses (always in a safe way) for a 2-5km walk around its beautiful parks, seaside, and forests.

While some other artists I know would get out of their house and take beautiful photos, I reconnected with my past experience of drawing from Nature. I wouldn't need much time: I went from a 30min sketch to 2h maximum.

So, I'd leave for a walk to admire my surroundings and find a spot where I could draw peacefully and calm myself. Sometimes, I could even let the sound of good music drive my creativity.

To make it a habit, I tried to make one drawing every day to improve my speed and technique. Let's take advantage of this lovely weather we are having and get something beautiful out of that!


4. Trip Folder

A trip folder could be an ongoing way of looking for sources of inspiration to keep you creative, especially when poor weather or low energy keeps you indoors. 

I love traveling want to visit so many places but never find the time to draw while present. So, I do what anybody else would do: take a picture to store it in my mind. Sure, some of them get uploaded like photos to Instagram. Still, others pass through my personal filter to give them another point of view. None of us look at things the same way, but all of our perspectives are beautiful.

This is a new project, but it could lead to a lovely Collection of Places and awaken something special in me. 

Would you be interested in creating your own Personal Trip Diary?

5. Rock creations

We all go through periods of blocks. Even if you are not a really creative person, I am sure you have gone through moments of despair or boredom during this isolation.

Well, I began wondering how I can keep from overthinking. Something new and straightforward but powerful for me. Instantly, I thought about a hobby my granny (R.I.P.) used to make in her spare time - decorative rock painting.

I inherited her rock, shell, or mineral collecting habit every time I go for a walk, trip, journey… anytime something catches my eye. So, I looked to my house full of them and selected the bigger ones to design mandalas, which I never try to create, believe it or not.

After a week, I made my first batch for my house.

Then, during one of my walks around my Irish town, I spotted a few rocks with hopeful messages to people during this period. Even this kind of "childish" game, in which you hide a rock already painted by children and post your finding online, is a beautiful and inventive way to cheer people up. This inspired me to create my second batch:

This period can bring beauty into this world, and I am happy to be part of it… even if I end up keeping them at home. Would you be part of this special and selfless initiative?

Conclusion: Nurture your Personal Space and Mind

I hope that you find this post interesting. There so many ways that can be done for this period. This is just my approach. Whatever you do, I'd recommend doing it to find peace through cleansing your personal space and mind.

That cleansing, I'd say, is the foundation for any creative and innovative project you choose to undertake.

And above all… do always enjoy the process.


See you in the next post!

© María M. Mayorga

Harry Potter Illustration 2020

2019 was the opposite of 2018 regarding or Art creation. The reason was easy: I was mostly a Conservador working for a company that would cover Ireland. You can see in detail this experience here.

But as soon as 2019 ended, new opportunities would wait for me. One of them was to plan an exhibition with my sister in a local Bookshop in town for Harry Potter's Day the 2nd of May. Of course, we all know the circumstances that framed this year so far, so as everything, the Exhibition got cancelled.

Nevertheless, I had the best excuse to work on landscapes again, which I did not do since those bookmarks I made of Seville as a present.

Finding the right setting and reason I can surprise myself with pieces like these:

What I learnt is that nothing is a waste of time because the experience will give you back moments of peace and challenge that it will a total reward. What is your opinion about it?

© María M. Mayorga

Self portraits 2018

Looking back I would say that 2018 was my most prolific year so far. I found so many topics and reasons to be inspired in order to "escape" of a job it did not bring me much of my passion.

What is beautiful of these two self-portraits is that they were "rescued" from discarded ideas for the Inktober 2017, as at the moment I thought they were too personal.

But in time, I ended up caring less for what people would think and I wanted to show a bit of myself through this personal pieces, which have become ones of my favourites.

I hope you like them!


Squared Mind

I must add this piece as well even it shows my back. What it's interesting of this one is that it was part of an on-line challenge to connect people around the globe through Art. The only rule to follow? No Music.

Well, this made the experience tough because I work and life always surrounded by music. It drives me throught whatever I do, it keeps me company. So you can imagine how badly I took this requirement.

What I did? I could not stop thinking about the experience that music makes me feel, I'd have in my mind the moment that music made me feel the most connected and overwhelmed. So I told a story of a night at work listening to a singer have a very intimate concert to people in town. I got so lucky to be part of that... I had to take that memory in this piece A3 size:

Feel the Music

Until the next post!

© María M. Mayorga

Avengers Series

At the time the summer of 2018 came I needed to go to my country for an important operation. The recovery needed to be there as well as I wasn't able to flight in at least a month after the surgery.

With that excuse, I had a lot of free time to make some new Art, and having the Avengers saga so present in my mind, it was time for me to portrait my favourite characters.

At first, I started it as a "one drawing a day", following Inktober way of creating in order to warm up the hand and improve the abilities to catch the likeness in a quick portrait. Well, I ended up liking some of them so much that I would spend two or three days until I thought they were done.

For a A5 size I think they are really hight standard. What do you reckon? :)

1. Dr. Strange

2. Loki

3. Spiderman

4. Gamora

5. Ironman

6. Scarlet Witch

7. Young Captain America
8. Captain America

9. Nebula

10. Starlord

11. Black Widow

12. Thor

© María M. Mayorga

Inktober 2018

After the discovery of the first year, I decided to try next with an approach of different lists containing Fairy Tales, Tarot, and Mithology. It was called "Once upon a time" and what I liked of this one is that despite the fact I couldn't finish it on time, I managed to involved a lot of people in this project.

I hope one day I can finish recreating the photos I took from this friends I encountered during my time in Westport. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what I could get out of this lovely project and experience:

1. Snow White

2. Nymph

3. Sleeping Beauty

4. The Sun

5. Hansel and Gretel

6. Poison / Potion

7. Harpie

8. The Star

9. Rapunzel

10. Arachne

11. The Little Mermaid

12. Medusa
13. Skull / Skeleton

14. Queen of Hearts

15. Kitsune

16. Six of Pentacles

17. Queen of Swords

18. Knight of Cups

19. The Beauty and The Beast

20. Knight of Swords

21. Pinocchio

22. Alice in Wonderland

© María M. Mayorga