martes, 28 de julio de 2020

Inktober 2018

After the discovery of the first year, I decided to try next with an approach of different lists containing Fairy Tales, Tarot, and Mithology. It was called "Once upon a time" and what I liked of this one is that despite the fact I couldn't finish it on time, I managed to involved a lot of people in this project.

I hope one day I can finish recreating the photos I took from this friends I encountered during my time in Westport. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what I could get out of this lovely project and experience:

1. Snow White

2. Nymph

3. Sleeping Beauty

4. The Sun

5. Hansel and Gretel

6. Poison / Potion

7. Harpie

8. The Star

9. Rapunzel

10. Arachne

11. The Little Mermaid

12. Medusa
13. Skull / Skeleton

14. Queen of Hearts

15. Kitsune

16. Six of Pentacles

17. Queen of Swords

18. Knight of Cups

19. The Beauty and The Beast

20. Knight of Swords

21. Pinocchio

22. Alice in Wonderland

© María M. Mayorga

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