domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021

Reading & re-learning about the «beauty» rule in the world

(Edited. To add images from gallery if possible. or any quote from the book if wanted)

I like to read. I won’t say I love it but nowadays it fulfills my purpose of learning further. It fills the gap that I start guessing somewhere else.

I could say the same about the podcasts, al right. They are a nice quick way to discover things in no time.

But it is for certain that some other matters need to be learnt slowly. Some tools to use in the future need to stay longer in the mind and that way I find I can palade them better by reading.

Past about reading: pros and cons

I used to hate reading books being «forced» to get a minimum task done in school. I guess it’d be a cruel way to teach values that we wouldn’t get anywhere else. «Be careful about drugs.» «Learn about how bloody sanguinary romans were.» «Get some boring hours with a near-to-dead person.»

But then something shifted and I got to dream about unreal chocolate factories or to laugh a little at a boy’s mundane life. Even to make a medieval dance after reading a book about magical jewels that’d help monks to reveal further knowledge.

At home, my mind would focus on fantasy worlds. My inner child didn’t want to grow and it delighted herself by daydreaming about magic schools in castles or histories alive outside an unusual book.

I found my way into the charms of reading amazing stories that fit with me. And that is still how I like to do it now.

Intuitive Search for what I need at each moment

Reading is not, in point of view, about showing off knowledge just for the sake of having it. The same as I would not see all the movies of a director just because I’m a fan of that director and I have to make a statement.

My take here is more intuitive. I like to choose the books or let the books choose (thinking about the moment in which Harry Potter gets his wand ).

I come to say here that there have been times that I started a book that had been handed to me, recommended. Well, let’s say that the first pages didn’t speak of values I wanted to see. Instead, they woke up in me dreading the feeling of being in the island or in the nature described to experience it myself.

My visual imagination can be too much sometimes. If I find myself in a place of anguish, remembering my situation of not being able to go, I just want to stop that feeling.

That happened a few weeks back when I started a book that spoke about artists’ bohemian lives in a warm country. It was nice. Words underlined to be remembered in my native language. A delight that in my case would be done in english by using synonyms. I live in english most of the time but I still appreciated the help given.

Finding a new word path

Sometimes I can read 3 books at the same time if they relate to diverse themes. This time I could take another one so I wandered around my partner’s library. I just listened to a podcast about «On becoming a person» by Carl Roger. Well, he didn’t have it but my eyes spotted another pristine book.

Near a black and huge Joseph Campbell one, I saw a light copy of an irish book titled «Divine Beauty». As you may know by now, I am an artist and I am constantly in the search of beauty. So these words striked me highly.

I reached my hand towards the tiny book and opened its pages. Right from the first one, that book was speaking to me in a language that I could take.

The simils on God or the Source that I learnt in The Artist’s Way book-still to be done with- were subtly filled with the beauty element in our lives.

How can beauty help us?

Our souls become nourished by beauty, soothed and calm. Beauty, as a godly element, can come to us in an unprecedented moment of truth.

We cannot own beauty, that would be glamour and it’s fake.

We cannot rush beauty because it needs patiences and venerance.

Respect is needed to find that magic that shows us the way to beauty.

So in conclusion, by following our recent way of fast living we are getting further from this item.

Nature holds beauty and rejoices in our coming back to it. As we belong to it and are part of it we get gifted by the element of beauty. This present says to us that the source is there with us. That we are welcome if we trust the unknown of the lead into the adventurous path.

Beauty will always come if we come humble into Nature. If we are attuned to our soul and body, taking care of them as sanctuaries.

So we get the gift of patience and love by being rewarded with a soothing peace in our hearts and souls.

That -and so many other things to discover- is what beauty can do for us.

Long way to go. To be continued…

I will discover lovingly this amazing path of new and nourishing knowledge for my soul. What it needs to heal. What it needs to unfold and hold.

Talk to you soon, my loves.

© María M. Mayorga

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